In order to run my code, I have to set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
env variable (to resolve the issue similar to this)
I am not able to create a service account for that specific project through GCP IAM & Admin. My question is:
To create a service account you need to have Service Account Admin Role (roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin) or Create Service Accounts Role (roles/iam.serviceAccountCreator) and the following permissions on the project . To create a service account find the document here.
Please set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS or explicitly create credentials and re-run the application. This is one of the ways to make it working locally, you need to set up key:
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create /path/to/keyfile.json --iam-account=<your service account>
Then you run your app with environment variable
set to /path/to/keyfile.json, like this e.g:
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/keyfile.json blaze run /your/target.
Extending John hanley comment, Use the CLI to create default credentials. gcloud auth application-default login. Using the CLI, you do not need a service account JSON key file and do not need to set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.