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Group and aggregate dataset in spark scala without using spark.sql()

I have a dataset with account information of customers as below

customerID accountID balance
ID001 ACC001 20
ID002 ACC002 400
ID003 ACC003 500
ID002 ACC004 30

I want to groupby and aggregrate the above data to get output as below without using spark.sql functions, instead allowed to use datasets API

accounts number of accounts totalBalance averageBalance
[ID001,ACC001,20] 1 20 20
[[ID002,ACC002,400], [ID002,ACC004,30]] 2 430 215
[ID003,ACC003,500] 1 500 500

I tried using ds.groupBy("accountID").agg(Map("balance" -> "avg")), however I am only able to use Map function to get the average. Need help to do multiple aggregation without using spark sql functions.

Appreciate any help to achieve the above solution. Thanks


  • Here is your solution

    val cust_data = Seq[(String, String, Int)](
    ("ID001",   "ACC001",   20),
    ("ID002",   "ACC002",   400),
    ("ID003",   "ACC003",   500),
    ("ID002",   "ACC004",   30)).toDF("customerID", "accountID",    "balance")
    val out_df = cust_data.groupBy("customerID").agg(count($"accountID").alias("number_of_accounts"),
    |     ID001|                 1|          20|          20.0|
    |     ID002|                 2|         430|         215.0|
    |     ID003|                 1|         500|         500.0|