I wanted to use icons in my react-native app, so I installed react-native-elements. The Icons itself work but I have to add a property called tvParallaxProperties on the Icon element like that:
<Icon tvParallaxProperties={undefined} name={'up'} type="antdesign" />
I read the docs and google about that, but I cant find the use of that. Does anyone know why I need this property and whats the use of it?
If you don't want to write this option under all of the Icons there's 2 solutions. First which I don't recommend if you are creating real project not for training purpose.
import { Icon } from 'react-native-elements'
to: import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/AntDesign';
. The last element of import of course is your Icons package and you can change it fe. to: MaterialCommunityIcons
After adding this import you can delete option type: antdesign
and this tvParallaxProperties={undefined}
Like docs says tvParallaxProperties
are for (Apple TV only) Object with properties to control Apple TV parallax effects.