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"AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'user'" when running a command

I'm getting traceback with my code in the channel. The command is supposed to send a dm of my choice to a user, YET it just replies to my message with that traceback error below! Can anyone help?

Source code:

async def DM(ctx, user: discord.User, *, message=None,):
    message = message or "This Message is sent via DM"
        await ctx.user.send(f"{message}.\n\nRegards,\Real_IceyDev")
        await"{ctx.user.mention}, check your DMs.")
    except Exception as jsonError:
        await"{}, an error ocurred!\nDeveloper Details:\n```fix\n{repr(jsonError)}\n```\nRecommended fixes: **enable your DMs if you haven't**.")

Traceback: AttributeError("'Context' object has no attribute 'user'")


  • First thing, this is a self-explained error. Second thing you didn't read the docs.

    Basically, ctx don't have user object. Now, if you want to mention/DM the invoked user, use this:

    @client.command(aliases=["dm"]) #Don't use nornmal command, use / command instead
    async def DM(ctx, user: discord.User, *, message=None,):
        message = message or "This Message is sent via DM"
            await user.send(f"{message}.\n\nRegards,\Real_IceyDev") #DM the user in the command
            await"{user.mention}, check your DMs.") #Mention the user in the command
        except Exception as jsonError: #Not always error about json but work same so...
            await"{}, an error ocurred!\nDeveloper Details:\n```fix\n{repr(jsonError)}\n```\nRecommended fixes: **enable your DMs if you haven't**.")