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Edit the plotly hovertemplate by adding a new row

I have the data.frame below and I have created a grouped bar chart. I'd like to edit the hover text by adding a new row after Department which will be named Department value and will take the column DemandCourse.x as its value for group Demand and AmountsAv.x for the group Amount Available.

dp <- structure(list(`Element Name` = c("Naphthalene", "Nitric acid (concentrated)", 
"Sulphuric acid(concentrated)", "2-hydroxybenzoic acid", "Acetic anhydride", 
"2-Naphthol", "Sodium Hydroxide", "Phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride", 
"Glucose", "Sodium acetate", "Aniline", "Zinc poweder", "2-amino-benzoic acid", 
"1.3-dihydroxybenzene", "Ethyl acetate", "hydroxy benzene", "phenyl methanol", 
"Sodium carbonate", "Potassium permanganate", "Sodium bisulfite.", 
"Hydrochloric acid (concentrated)", "Sodium nitrite", "Copper(II) sulfate", 
"Sodium chloride.", "Methyl orange", "EtOH", "Distilled water", 
"cuper ion", "ammonium hydroxide", "ammonium hydroxide", "Iron( III)", 
"Nitric Acid", "Potassium Thiocyanate", "ferric ammonium sulfate", 
"Ammonium Sulfate", "Sodium hydroxide", "sodium hypochlorite", 
"Hydrochloric acid", "Acetic acid", "Phenolphthalein", "Sodium carbonate", 
"Sodium Acetate", "Sodum hydroxide", "Acetic acid", "Hydrochloric acid", 
"Phenolphthalein", "Methyl orange", "Phosphoric acid", "Amonium hydroxide", 
"Sodium carbonate"), Department = c("Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
"Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
"Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
"Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
"Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
"Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
"Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
"Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
"Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry","Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
"Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry"), DemandCourse.x = c(240, 
375, 1050, 300, 1614, 225, 75, 414, 414, 225, 450, 111, 675, 
105, 120, 375, 75, 75, 375, 150, 750, 264, 975, 900, 20, 250, 
30, 25, 2500, 2500, 15, 500, 730, 25, 170, 240, 75, 750, 255, 
10, 160, 50, 144, 54, 630, 15, 18, 132, 900, 48), DemandCourse.y = c(1115, 
375, 1050, 300, 1739, 225, 800, 414, 414, 225, 450, 111, 675, 
105, 224.5, 375, 75, 613, 601, 150, 1070, 364, 1519, 1095, 96.75, 
250, 293, 25, 29500, 29500, 15, 500, 730, 25, 170, 240, 75, 1420, 
534, 63, 613, 50, 144, 534, 1420, 63, 96.75, 152, 900, 613), 
    AmountsAv.x = c(NA, 1000, 3000, 4000, 1000, 750, 750, 2000, 
    5000, 150, 24000, 450, 3000, 1400, 400, 400, 250, 250, 1000, 
    1000, 7500, 6400, 900, NA, 250, 1500, 20000, 50, 300, 4000, 
    200, NA, 3000, 500, 1200, NA, 1000, NA, 6000, 900, 250, NA, 
    200, 6000, NA, 900, 250, 200, NA, 250), AmountsAv.y = c(0, 
    1000, 3000, 4000, 2000, 750, 4500, 2000, 5000, 150, 24000, 
    450, 3000, 1400, 1200, 400, 250, 1500, 5000, 1000, 22500, 
    12800, 2700, 0, 1500, 1500, 80000, 50, 8600, 8600, 200, 0, 
    3000, 500, 1200, 0, 1000, 0, 30000, 4500, 1500, 0, 200, 30000, 
    0, 4500, 1500, 400, 0, 1500)), row.names = c(NA, -50L), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"), na.action = structure(293:294, .Names = c("293", 
"294"), class = "omit"))

fig <- plot_ly(x = ~`Element Name`,text=~Department, data = merged3) %>% 
  add_bars(y = ~`DemandCourse.y`, 
           name = "Demand", 
           textposition = "none",          # <--- added here
           hovertemplate = paste0("Chemical Name: %{x}<br>", 
                                  "Total Demand: %{y}<br>",
                                  "Department: %{text}<br><extra></extra>")) %>% 
  add_bars(y = ~`AmountsAv.y`,
           name = "Amount Available", 
           textposition = "none",          # <--- added here
           hovertemplate = paste0("Chemical Name: %{x}<br>",  
                                  "Total Amount: %{y}<br>",
                                  "Department: %{text}<br><extra></extra>")) %>% 
  layout(barmode = "group",             # <--- dropped showLegend (doesn't go here)
         xaxis = list(title = "Element Name", tickangle=45),
         yaxis = list(title = "Amount Available"),
         title = "Amount and Demand per Element")


  • Edit: Using hovertext instead of text and textposition = "none" (also see this related answer)

    fig <- plot_ly(x = ~`Element Name`, data = dp) %>% 
      add_bars(y = ~`DemandCourse.y`, 
               name = "Demand", 
               hovertext = ~ paste0("Chemical Name: ", `Element Name`, "<br>", 
                              "Total Demand: ", `DemandCourse.y`, "<br>",
                              "Department: " , Department, "<br>",
                              "Department value: " , DemandCourse.x),
               hovertemplate = "%{hovertext}<extra></extra>") %>% 
      add_bars(y = ~`AmountsAv.y`,
               name = "Amount Available", 
               hovertext = ~ paste0("Chemical Name: ", `Element Name`, "<br>", 
                              "Total Amount: ", `AmountsAv.y`, "<br>",
                              "Department: " , Department, "<br>",
                              "Department value: " , AmountsAv.x),
               hovertemplate = "%{hovertext}<extra></extra>") %>% 
      layout(barmode = "group",
             xaxis = list(title = "Element Name", tickangle=45),
             yaxis = list(title = "Amount Available"),
             title = "Amount and Demand per Element")

    You can construct most of the hovertemplate in the text parameter to solve this:

    dp <- structure(list(`Element Name` = c("Naphthalene", "Nitric acid
    (concentrated)", "Sulphuric acid(concentrated)", "2-hydroxybenzoic acid",
    "Acetic anhydride", "2-Naphthol", "Sodium Hydroxide", "Phenyl hydrazine
    hydrochloride", "Glucose", "Sodium acetate", "Aniline", "Zinc poweder",
    "2-amino-benzoic acid", "1.3-dihydroxybenzene", "Ethyl acetate", "hydroxy
    benzene", "phenyl methanol", "Sodium carbonate", "Potassium permanganate",
    "Sodium bisulfite.", "Hydrochloric acid (concentrated)", "Sodium nitrite",
    "Copper(II) sulfate", "Sodium chloride.", "Methyl orange", "EtOH", "Distilled
    water", "cuper ion", "ammonium hydroxide", "ammonium hydroxide", "Iron( III)",
    "Nitric Acid", "Potassium Thiocyanate", "ferric ammonium sulfate", "Ammonium
    Sulfate", "Sodium hydroxide", "sodium hypochlorite", "Hydrochloric acid",
    "Acetic acid", "Phenolphthalein", "Sodium carbonate", "Sodium Acetate", "Sodum
    hydroxide", "Acetic acid", "Hydrochloric acid", "Phenolphthalein", "Methyl
    orange", "Phosphoric acid", "Amonium hydroxide", "Sodium carbonate"),
    Department = c("Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry",
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry",
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry",
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry",
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry",
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry",
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry",
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry","Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry",
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry"), DemandCourse.x = c(240,
    375, 1050, 300, 1614, 225, 75, 414, 414, 225, 450, 111, 675, 105, 120, 375,
    75, 75, 375, 150, 750, 264, 975, 900, 20, 250, 30, 25, 2500, 2500, 15, 500,
    730, 25, 170, 240, 75, 750, 255, 10, 160, 50, 144, 54, 630, 15, 18, 132, 900,
    48), DemandCourse.y = c(1115, 375, 1050, 300, 1739, 225, 800, 414, 414, 225,
    450, 111, 675, 105, 224.5, 375, 75, 613, 601, 150, 1070, 364, 1519, 1095,
    96.75, 250, 293, 25, 29500, 29500, 15, 500, 730, 25, 170, 240, 75, 1420, 534,
    63, 613, 50, 144, 534, 1420, 63, 96.75, 152, 900, 613), AmountsAv.x = c(NA,
    1000, 3000, 4000, 1000, 750, 750, 2000, 5000, 150, 24000, 450, 3000, 1400,
    400, 400, 250, 250, 1000, 1000, 7500, 6400, 900, NA, 250, 1500, 20000, 50,
    300, 4000, 200, NA, 3000, 500, 1200, NA, 1000, NA, 6000, 900, 250, NA, 200,
    6000, NA, 900, 250, 200, NA, 250), AmountsAv.y = c(0, 1000, 3000, 4000, 2000,
    750, 4500, 2000, 5000, 150, 24000, 450, 3000, 1400, 1200, 400, 250, 1500,
    5000, 1000, 22500, 12800, 2700, 0, 1500, 1500, 80000, 50, 8600, 8600, 200, 0,
    3000, 500, 1200, 0, 1000, 0, 30000, 4500, 1500, 0, 200, 30000, 0, 4500, 1500,
    400, 0, 1500)), row.names = c(NA, -50L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl",
    "data.frame"), na.action = structure(293:294, .Names = c("293", "294"), class
    = "omit"))
    fig <- plot_ly(x = ~`Element Name`, data = dp) %>% 
      add_bars(y = ~`DemandCourse.y`, 
               name = "Demand", 
               textposition = "none",
               text= ~ paste0("Chemical Name: ", `Element Name`, "<br>", 
                              "Total Demand: ", `DemandCourse.y`, "<br>",
                              "Department: " , Department, "<br>",
                              "Department value: " , DemandCourse.x),
               hovertemplate = "%{text}<extra></extra>") %>% 
      add_bars(y = ~`AmountsAv.y`,
               name = "Amount Available", 
               textposition = "none",
               text= ~ paste0("Chemical Name: ", `Element Name`, "<br>", 
                              "Total Amount: ", `AmountsAv.y`, "<br>",
                              "Department: " , Department, "<br>",
                              "Department value: " , AmountsAv.x),
               hovertemplate = "%{text}<extra></extra>") %>% 
      layout(barmode = "group",
             xaxis = list(title = "Element Name", tickangle=45),
             yaxis = list(title = "Amount Available"),
             title = "Amount and Demand per Element")