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Spreadsheet Libreoffice calc - pivot table - How to group chuncks of time seperated by a minimum of 30 mins

I have a report in libreoffice calc which contains 2 sheets. The first one is a data sheet and the second one is a "report" sheet (with pivot tables).

In the first data sheet, there are 3 important columns, the first column has dates, the second column has time stamps and the third column has a product code called "Type".

I'm trying to create a pivot table that would automatically show per date, per "chuncks of time" seperated by a minimum of 30 mins, the count of type per type.

The trouble comes from how to create the chunks of time. There needs to be at least a 30 mins between 2 time stamp to qualify as a chunck of time.

for example, Data sheet:

Date Time Type
17.01.22 9:13 12
17.01.22 9:14 12
17.01.22 9:15 17
17.01.22 9:20 17
17.01.22 9:22 17
17.01.22 12:28 17
17.01.22 12:42 17
17.01.22 15:16 17
17.01.22 15:42 17
17.01.22 15:55 13
17.01.22 15:58 13

The end result in a pivot table should be:
Date Time-Frame Type Count-Type
17.01.22 9:13-9:22 12 2
17.01.22 9:13-9:22 17 3
17.01.22 12:28-12:42 17 2
17.01.22 15:16-15:58 17 2
17.01.22 15:16-15:58 13 2


Date Time-Frame Type Count-Type
17.01.22 9:13-9:22 12 2
17 3
17.01.22 12:28-12:42 17 2
17.01.22 15:16-15:58 17 2
13 2

Let me know if you have any question. And thank you in advance.


  • At the end I went this route:

    Which creates a helper column with this forumla: in C2:=IF((N(A2)+N(B2)-N(A1)-N(B1))>(1/48);N(C1)+1;N(C1)

    Then end result is:

    Date Time Type
    17.01.22 9:13 1
    17.01.22 9:14 1
    17.01.22 9:15 1
    17.01.22 9:20 1
    17.01.22 9:22 1
    17.01.22 12:28 2
    17.01.22 12:42 2
    17.01.22 15:16 3
    17.01.22 15:42 3
    17.01.22 15:55 3
    17.01.22 15:58 3