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Find the names of the classes with at least 3 ships using XQuery

Consider the following XML:

<Class name="Kongo">
<Ship name="h" launched="1915"/>
<Ship name="h1" launched="1920">
<Battle outcome="sunk">sunk1</Battle>

<Class name="Kongo2">
<Ship name="h2234234" launched="1941">
<Battle outcome="sunk">ok</Battle>

<Ship name="h123123" launched="1941">
<Battle outcome="ok">ok</Battle>
<Ship name="h3" launched="1941"/>
<Class name="Kongo2">
<Ship name="h4" launched="1917"/>
<Ship name="h5" launched="1917"/>
<Ship name="h5" launched="1910"/>



I need to find the names of the classes with at least 3 ships using XQuery. How can I go about doing it?


  • You can use the XPath

    /Ships/Class[count(Ship) > 2]/@name

    Or a FLWOR approach:

    let $file := doc("input.xml") return
    for $r in $file/Ships/Class
    where count($r/Ship) > 2
    return <result>{$r/@name}</result>