WriteError: No array filter found for identifier 'i' in path 'Comments.$[i].Replies.$[j].Reply', full error: {'index': 0, 'code': 2, 'errmsg': "No array filter found for identifier 'i' in path 'Comments.$[i].Replies.$[j].Reply'"}
I just want to update the reply in my data. I'm getting this error. Is there any other way to update?
article_id = "6223bf189ee543673ca35940"
comment_id = "2d1ae2a7-1488-44b0-8ba3-9e946ed8cca9"
reply_id = "c0b9d54a-416f-4598-bf7b-33be80faa5c3"
article_collection.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(article_id)},
'$set': {'Comments.$[i].Replies.$[j].Reply': reply},
'arrayFilters': [{'i.ID': comment_id}, {'j.ID': reply_id}]
}, upsert=False)
"_id" : ObjectId("6223bf189ee543673ca35940"),
"Comments" : [
"ID" : "2d1ae2a7-1488-44b0-8ba3-9e946ed8cca9",
"User_id" : 1,
"Comment" : "Thank you for this simple explanation.",
"Date" : ISODate("2022-03-13T02:13:09.022Z"),
"Replies" : [
"ID" : "c0b9d54a-416f-4598-bf7b-33be80faa5c3",
"User_id" : 1,
"Reply" : "You're welcome",
"Date" : ISODate("2022-03-13T12:53:39.046Z")
Error message correctly suggest the arrayFilters are not found. You have syntax error, arrayFilters need to be added in the options section of your update query , currently is in the update section:
Update({query},{update},{options}) , the correct one:
article_collection.update_one({'_id': ObjectId(article_id)},
'$set': {'Comments.$[i].Replies.$[j].Reply': reply}},
'arrayFilters': [{'i.ID': comment_id}, {'j.ID': reply_id}]
}, upsert=False)