In my aggregation pipeline, I am trying to set a value to true
if several conditions are matched. I will be adding more $and
conditions later, but it doesn't even work with one condition.
These are the things I have tried:
$set: {
someValue: {
$and: [
'ratePlans.maxAdvBookDays': {
$gte: advBookDays,
$set: {
someValue: {
$and: [
$toBool: {
'ratePlans.maxAdvBookDays': {
$gte: advBookDays,
$set: {
someValue: {
$cond: {
if: {
$and: [
'ratePlans.maxAdvBookDays': {
$gte: advBookDays,
then: 'then',
else: 'else',
In each case, I get the following error:
MongoServerError: Invalid $set :: caused by :: FieldPath field names may not contain '.'.
However, when hard-coding the boolean values in, it does seem to work:
$set: {
someValue: {
$and: [
true, true, false, true
$set: {
someValue: {
$cond: {
if: {
$and: [
$gte: [ "$ratePlans.maxAdvBookDays", 2 ]
then: "then",
else: "else"