the problem
npm init -y
npm i path electron request http
npx electron-packager . --arch=ia32 --platform=win32 --out=release --electron-version=13.1.9
to build an electron project found in the current directory. Previous to reformatting my OS, I never had issues with this. However, now every time I execute these commands, after the last one electron-packager
the error
In the console, I see Unsupported GLOBAL_AGENT.HTTP_PROXY configuration value: URL protocol must be "http:"
I cannot find any help on Google, or Stackoverflow about why this is occurring.
what i tried
I tried commenting out all parts of code in my relatively small project, to try to figure out what is giving me this issue.
I also tried repackaging the same project on my MacOS & Windows 10/11 machines, nothing works.
I am really frustrated/confused as to why this is happening, especially since I was able to use electron-packager
a while back on the exact same project with no issues.
project dependencies
Actually this is a bug, has been fixed 5 hours ago (Mar 14, 2022, 9:55 PM GMT)
GLOBAL_AGENT.HTTP_PROXY configuration value: URL protocol must be http
Just do:
npm update