Having a kotlin singleton static method
internal object TestSingleton {
fun staticMethod1 (str: String) {
println("+++ === +++ TestSingleton.staticMethod(), $str")
staticMethod2 (str)
fun staticMethod2 (str: String) {
println("+++ === +++ TestSingleton.staticMethod2(), $str")
In java test code:
public void test_staticMethod() {
try (MockedStatic<TestSingleton> theMock = Mockito.mockStatic(TestSingleton.class, CALLS_REAL_METHODS)) {
theMock.verify(() -> TestSingleton.staticMethod2(eq("test")), times(1));
it runs fine but convert to kotlin it does not compile:
open fun test_staticMethod() {
Mockito.mockStatic(TestSingleton::class.java, Mockito.CALLS_REAL_METHODS).use { theMock ->
theMock.verify(() -> TestSingleton.staticMethod(any(Context.class), "test"), times(1))
// or
theMock.verify(times(1), () -> TestSingleton.staticMethod(any(Context.class)) )
having mockito version
testImplementation "org.mockito:mockito-inline:3.12.4"
How to test static method using mockito in kotlin? Not tried mockk yet since having a lot tests have been working with mockito. Not sure how simple with mockk in this case.
Here's how to do it in mockk (I highly recommend switching away from Mockito, mockk is just so much easier):
import TestSingleton.staticMethod1
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.just
import io.mockk.mockkStatic
import io.mockk.runs
import io.mockk.verify
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
internal object TestSingleton {
fun staticMethod1(str: String) {
println("+++ === +++ TestSingleton.staticMethod(), $str")
fun staticMethod2(str: String) {
println("+++ === +++ TestSingleton.staticMethod2(), $str")
class StackSign {
fun test_staticMethod() {
every { TestSingleton.staticMethod2("test") } just runs
verify(exactly = 1) { TestSingleton.staticMethod2("test") }
BTW, add this to your build.gradle.kts