In his paper Generics for the Masses Hinze reviews encoding of data type.
Starting from Nat
data Nat :: ⋆ where
Zero :: Nat
Succ :: Nat → Nat
It can be viewed as an initial algebra NatF Nat -> Nat
for NatF a = 1 + a
Its Church representation ∀ x. ( NatF x → x ) → x
is a witness of the universal property conferred by being an initial algebra
He thus redefines an equivalent Nat
newtype Nat = Nat{fold :: ∀ nat . Algebra nat → nat }
data Algebra nat = With{
foldZero :: nat,
foldSucc :: nat → nat }
This allows to build a function ∀ x . Algebra x → (Nat → x)
which to any algebra gives the unique algebra morphism to it from the initial algebra. (One can also view Nat
as a limit cone for the forgetful functor, and this function yields the components of that cone at each object in the category of algebras). This is classic.
But he then mentions a Church encoding of the following datatype, which is a GADT, intended to be a typed type representation
data Rep :: ⋆ → ⋆ where
Int :: Rep Int
Pair :: ∀α β . Rep α → Rep β → Rep (α, β)
Which is encoded as
data Rep τ = Rep{fold :: ∀rep . Algebra rep → rep τ }
data Algebra rep = With{
foldInt :: rep Int,
foldPair :: ∀α β . rep α → rep β → rep (α, β) }
int:: Rep Int
int = Rep (λc → foldInt c)
pair :: ∀α β . Rep α → Rep β → Rep (α, β)
pair a b = Rep (λc → foldPair c (fold a c) (fold b c))
What kind of algebra is this encoding ? It's not a plain algebra, due to the indices. Does some Kan extension-fu allow to express this an ordinary algebra ?
The difference is the category. Nat
is an initial algebra in the category of types. Rep
is an initial algebra in the category of indexed types. The category of indexed types has as objects type constructors of kind * -> *
, and as morphisms from f ~> g
, functions of type forall t. f t -> g t
Then Rep
is the initial algebra for the functor RepF
defined as follows:
data RepF rep :: * -> * where
Int :: RepF rep Int
Pair :: forall a b. rep a -> rep b -> RepF rep (a, b)
And similarly the Church encoding
newtype Rep t = Rep { fold :: forall rep. Algebra rep -> rep t }
type Algebra rep = RepF rep ~> rep
type f ~> g = forall t. f t -> g t
yields, for every Algebra rep
, a mapping forall t. Rep t -> rep t