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How to use Google Secret Manager with Flutter

I am trying to use and get a value from the SecretManagerApi.

This is my current code but it doesn't even resolve.

final secretVersion = await SecretManagerApi(Client())

so secretVersion never gets a value. What am I doing wrong?


  • This is one way I use to authenticate with Secret Manager:

    Add your google json file to path and then export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<YOUR_PATH_TO_JSON_FILE>

    Then change to this code:

    import 'package:googleapis/secretmanager/v1.dart';
    final client await clientViaApplicationDefaultCredentials(
        scopes: [FirestoreApi.cloudPlatformScope]);
    final api = SecretManagerApi(client);
    final secrets = await api.projects.secrets.versions.access(<YOUR_SECRET_NAME>);
    // print(utf8.decode(secrets.payload!.dataAsBytes));