I'm trying to use sp_MSforeachtable to create backup tables dynamically using this query.
exec sp_MSforeachtable
@command1='Print ''[?_bckp]''',
@command2='select * into ''[?_bckp_2022]'''' from ?;'
@whereand=' and o.Name in (
''<table list>''
and schema_name(schema_id) = ''dbo'''
I'm getting an error for @whereand but I think it is a bogus error. I think the problem is in the command2 at [?_bckp_2022]. The table name is coming out of command1 is looking like [[dbo]].[table_name]]_bckp]. I think the sql command generated in command2 is causing the error at the execution stage. My questions are:
There was a comma missing. Thank everyone.