I'm trying to deploy a springcloud data flow stream like this:
time | http-request --url-expression='http://mydomain.fake:1234/myservice?myparams=myvalues' | log
Versions used:
But I have some troubles with the url-expresion
param format. The stream partialy deploy, with exceptions in the http-request
> Property: http.request.url-expression
> Value: http://mydomain.fake:1234/myservice?myparams=myvalues
> Origin: System Environment Property "SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON"
> Reason: failed to convert java.lang.String to org.springframework.expression.Expression (caused by
> org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelParseException: EL1041E: After
> parsing a valid expression, there is still more data in the
> expression: 'colon(:)')
I'm sure that I'm using a bad format in the stream params, but I can't find the good way to write it.I tried it with simple quote, double quote and no quote, and the exception is always the same. Any help please ?
Thanks !
It's solved ( I think so ) . Its possible that the expression takes the colon like a ternary operator ( some like here )
I replace the expression
and it works. Thanks !