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How can I solve the problem with Sumo in line launchconfig in omnet.ini?

I am working on windows 10 64 bit/Edition : Windows 10 Pro, version: 22H2 (2004),Experience: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19041.1000.0 ,OS build :19045.3086 . I unpacked OMNeT++ 5.0 and in configure.user I have set:



prefer -clang =yes

and execute ./configure and then make, the output gcc-release, gcc-debug.
My microsoft visual studio version is MS 2008. Do I must install VS in higher version for example 2010 or high or change OMNeT++ version? My simulation files don't give errors when I am executing build for my project, but when I arrive to my simulation sumo interface and choose one section from my simulation, it gives the following message that belongs xml files :

<!> Error in module (Veins::TraCIScenarioManagerLaunchd) VANET.manager (id=6) during network setup: While evaluating parameter launchConfig': Error reading F:/omnetpp-5.0/UV-CAST-protocol/simulations/_maps/downtownorlando/downtownorlando50_1.launchd.xml': Parse error: failed to load external entity "F:/omnetpp-5.0/UV-CAST-protocol/simulations/_maps/downtownorlando/downtownorlando50_1.launchd.xml" at line (null):0

My veins is veins 4.4, my sumo is sumo 0.25. This line in omnet.ini file is

*.manager.launchConfig = xmldoc("F:/omnetpp-5.0/UV-CAST-protocol/simulations/_maps/downtownorlando/downtownorlando"+ string(${Traffic=50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300})+ "_" + string(${repetition}) + ".launchd.xml")

I unpacked OMNeT++ 5.6.2 and modify configure.user:


and execute ./configure and then make ...the output gcc-release, gcc-debug, but


...the output clang-release,clang-debug

My microsoft visual studio version is 2008. I can't execute the simulation in OMNeT++ 5.6.2 and veins 5.2 because I work in veins 4.4.

enter image description here


    1. If you are using OMNeT++ for Windows, you do not need Microsoft Visual Studio at all. The package for Windows contains already all necessary tools including compilators.
    2. Make sure that all files pointed in the parameter launchConfig exist.
    3. Could you edit your question and present one of the files from the above mentioned parameter, for example F:/omnetpp-5.0/UV-CAST-protocol/simulations/_maps/downtownorlando/downtownorlando50_0.launchd.xml?