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react leaflet, pass marker's e.latlng property to formik

function Map({type="show"}) {
    function LocationMarker() {
        const [position, setPosition] = useState(null)
        const map = useMapEvent('click', (e) => {setPosition(e.latlng);console.log(e.latlng)});
          return position === null ? 
          null : (<Marker position={position}><Popup>You are here</Popup></Marker>)
          return (
    <div className="App">
      <div id="map">
      <MapContainer center={[31.8123, 34.7770]} zoom={8}   onClick={console.log('hhh')}>
        <TileLayer attribution='&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'


hello, i want to build a functionality as follows: user clicks on the leaflet map-> which creates a marker on the clicked spot -> and pass the latlng of this spot to formik. my problem is that i dont know how to pass the latlng state outside the LocationMarker funtion. this is my first question here and i m pretty new to programming so I hope my question make sense and that you can help me with it.


  • You could either set the value directly in the component using formik using the setvalue function.

    const [field, meta, helpers] = useField(;
    const { value } = meta;
    const { setValue } = helpers;

    Or if you want to set it in the parent component you can pass down a function that you will call when you set the position locally.

    function Map({type="show", onChange}) {
        function LocationMarker() {
            const [position, setPosition] = useState(null)
            const map = useMapEvent('click', (e) => {setPosition(e.latlng);console.log(e.latlng)});
              return position === null ? 
              null : (<Marker position={position}><Popup>You are here</Popup></Marker>)