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messages using mesibo javascript api not delivered,it shows only sent status

sending message using below function

function sendTextMessage(to, message) {
    var profile = api.getProfile(to, 0);
    var id = parseInt(Math.random()*10000);
    profile.sendMessage(id, message);

after that when i log listner response using

MesiboListener.prototype.Mesibo_OnMessageStatus = function(m) {
    console.log("Mesibo_OnMessageStatus: from "  
            + m.peer + " status: " + m.status);

it show Mesibo_OnMessageStatus: from 4688250 status: 1 but not change status to 2(delivered)


  • We answered you on the mesibo tickets with minor corrections in your code (check SPAM if you have not received it).

    You are giving UID as the destination. You should give the address as the destination. Try the code below

    var demo1_user_token = '81...'; 
    var demo1_destination = 'vivek';
    var demo_appid = 'com.f...';
    var demo2_user_token = 'c9...';
    var demo2_destination = 'maulik';