I'm trying to create vertical flatlist with swipe to delete functionality. So every item of my flatlist additionaly handles by PanGestureHandler
My problem is when I try to scroll my flatlist scroll doesn't work because of the conflict between scroll view animation and the pan gesture animation. I have tried to use simultaneousHandlers
but it doesn't help.
I also tried to use FlatList
from react-native-gesture-handler
and from react-native
result is the same.
<View style={styles.container}>
<Header data={{headerText: 'Contacts', leftIcon: 'arrow-left', line: true}}/>
renderItem={({item}) => <Item simultaneousHandlers={scrollRef} {...{item}} />}
style={{paddingLeft: wp('5%'), paddingTop: hp('2%')}}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.touchableOpacity} onPress={() => navigation.navigate('AddContact')}>
<Text style={styles.textButton}> Add Contact </Text>
<Animated.View style={[rTaskContainerStyle]}>
<Animated.View style={[styles.iconContainer, rIconContainerStyle]}>
<Icon name={'trash-2'} size={25} color={'red'} />
<PanGestureHandler {...simultaneousHandlers} onGestureEvent={panGestureHandler}>
<Animated.View style={[rStyle,{backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'}]}>
<Text style={{color: '#09101D', fontFamily: 'SourceSansPro_600SemiBold', fontSize: 18}}>
<Text style={{color: '#545D69', fontFamily: 'SourceSansPro_400Regular'}}>
You should add offset for pan-gesture. Your PanGestureHanler should be
failOffsetY={[-5, 5]}
activeOffsetX={[-5, 5]}
It may help you.