I get a list of tokens own by a publicKey thanks to that method :
new PublicKey(publicKey.toBase58()),
.then((b) => {
const owner = b?.value?.[0].account.owner;
const pb = b?.value?.[0].pubkey;
const nonZeroAccounts = b?.value?.filter(
(obj) => obj.account.data.parsed.info.tokenAmount.uiAmount > 0
setTokens(JSON.stringify(nonZeroAccounts, null, 2));
return value for an account that own 1 token for example :
"account": {
"data": {
"parsed": {
"info": {
"isNative": false,
"mint": "example",
"owner": "example",
"state": "initialized",
"tokenAmount": {
"amount": "1",
"decimals": 0,
"uiAmount": 1,
"uiAmountString": "1"
"type": "account"
"program": "spl-token",
"space": 165
"executable": false,
"lamports": 2039280,
"owner": {
"_bn": "example"
"rentEpoch": 245
"pubkey": {
"_bn": "example"
Now that I have these informations, I would like to know how to get the metadata of that token
After Soubriquet request, I ll add here the actual working code.
Metaplex doc isnt always up to date, so don't trust it.
const Metadata = require("@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata");
async function getMetadataPDA(mint)
const [publicKey] = await web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddress(
return publicKey;
let pda = await getMetadataPDA(mint);
let res = await Metadata.Metadata.fromAccountAddress(connection, account);
Consider that mint is a PublicKey, not a string.
Here is JSON structure of the returned values https://docs.metaplex.com/token-metadata/Versions/v1.0.0/nft-standard