It's easy to get a specific variable object from a JSON array in Jinja like:
but what if i want to access a value deeper in the nested list like:
These dots inside the square brackets don't work so i can't access a value at a variable position?
Imagine a simple array of objects like the one below. In the template i want to set a variable that defines the path of the object i want to reach so that if the path
is somekey1
i get somevalue1
but if the path is somekey3.subkey2
i get subvalue2
python code
path = 'somekey3.subkey2'
jinja template code
{{ array[path] }}
expected result:
actual result:
no result (nothing gets printed on the screen)
full json array:
"somekey1": "somevalue1"
}, {
"somekey2": "somevalue2"
}, {
"somekey3": {
"subkey1": "subvalue1",
"subkey2": "subvalue2"
Thanks in advance!
As my comment says, you'll likely need a custom filter to do dot access – luckily it's not hard to implement:
import jinja2
def dot(env: jinja2.Environment, obj, path):
for key in path.split("."):
obj = env.getattr(obj, key) # use same semantics as jinja's own getattr
return obj
env = jinja2.Environment()
env.filters["dot"] = dot
tpl = env.from_string("""
{{ obj | dot('somekey3.subkey2') }}
"somekey3": {
"subkey1": "subvalue1",
"subkey2": "subvalue2"
The output is subvalue2
as expected.
You could expand this to do index accesses too with judicious use of isdigit