Anyone have a good solution to extending console.log so that it auto prints class name and method as a prefix? I'm using web components and use strict is turned on.
someFunction() {
let varA = "hello"
console.log(, "someFunction", {varA})
Would like to automate this part:, "someFunction", ... will print the function name, but no longer works with strict mode turned on. Extending console.log in a centralized location via:
export var log = function(){
var args =;
args.unshift( + ": ");
console.log.apply(console, args);
does not work as does not print the correct context and if it's not in a web component, it doesn't work at all.
Extending console.log in each web component defeats the purpose (or half of it).
Could fold a function that extends console.log in the build for each web component but would still have the problem of not being able to call arguments.calleee.
Using lit-element, but this is a native javascript issue.
so based on sean-7777's answer, I suppose we could slice the stack output like this:
let funcname = new Error().stack.split('\n')[1];
funcname=funcname.slice(funcname.indexOf("at ")+3, funcname.indexOf(" ("));
console.log(debugline, 'debug text');
If you put it into a helper function, you could just grab line index 2 (since index 1 would give you the name of the helper function).
I was hoping for something a little more straightforward but hacking the output does work.
export function prtfun() {
let debugline = new Error().stack.split('\n')[2];
return debugline.slice(debugline.indexOf("at ")+3, debugline.indexOf(" ("));
call it from anywhere like this: console.log(prtfun(), 'log text...');
and it will print ClassName.FunctionName log text...
Works great. I'd disable this in production though.