Okay, so I'm about to put my Laravel project in production. I tested everything on local host and it works perfectly using Tailwind 3. Yet, when I ran some PHP artisan commands to clear all cache and etc., migrate:fresh
my database, and then ran npm run dev
, I noticed that Tailwind removed the styles that I used in seeding blogs (I use seed to seed fake blog posts and view how they will look like).
For example I'm using the Typography Tailwind plugin with the utility-class prose
and so on. When I ran migrate:fresh
and the fake blog post deleted from database, then cleared Laravel cache, and ran npm run dev
, I noticed that all the prose
styles are being removed from app.css
. Of course I don't want that because this should be applied on each and every blog post that I will submit in production.
So how can I stop Tailwind from deleting these styles? I currently have all that I need and I don't want anything else removed.
const mix = require("laravel-mix");
| Mix Asset Management
| Mix provides a clean, fluent API for defining some Webpack build steps
| for your Laravel applications. By default, we are compiling the CSS
| file for the application as well as bundling up all the JS files.
mix.js("resources/js/app.js", "public/js")
.postCss("resources/css/app.css", "public/css", [
const defaultTheme = require("tailwindcss/defaultTheme");
module.exports = {
darkMode: "class",
content: [
theme: {
screens: {
xs: "364px",
sm: "430px",
sd: "644px",
md: "768px",
lg: "1024px",
xl: "1155px",
"2xl": "1280px",
extend: {
fontFamily: {
sans: ["Nunito", ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
typography: ({ theme }) => ({
white: {
css: {
"--tw-prose-body": theme("colors.white"),
"--tw-prose-headings": theme("colors.blue[400]"),
"--tw-prose-lead": theme("colors.purple[700]"),
"--tw-prose-links": theme("colors.blue[800]"),
"--tw-prose-bold": theme("colors.blue[800]"),
"--tw-prose-counters": theme("colors.blue[900]"),
"--tw-prose-bullets": theme("colors.blue[900]"),
"--tw-prose-hr": theme("colors.blue[800]"),
"--tw-prose-quotes": theme("colors.blue[800]"),
"--tw-prose-quote-borders": theme("colors.blue[800]"),
"--tw-prose-captions": theme("colors.blue[800]"),
"--tw-prose-code": theme("colors.blue[800]"),
"--tw-prose-pre-code": theme("colors.blue[200]"),
"--tw-prose-pre-bg": theme("colors.gray[900]"),
"--tw-prose-th-borders": theme("colors.blue[300]"),
"--tw-prose-td-borders": theme("colors.blue[200]"),
black: {
css: {
"--tw-prose-body": theme("colors.black"),
plugins: [
Tailwind will only include the classes that it finds by scanning the files specified in the content
array in tailwind.config.js
. If you want to include additional classes that are only in your dynamic content, you can safelist those classes in your config. For example:
module.exports = {
safelist: [
See: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/content-configuration#safelisting-classes