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using "rstrip" while appending itens to a json

I'm trying to append URLs to a list that will be converted into a json later.

Those URLs have the same domain, and I know that they will only change after the version is exposed in such URL, for example:


So, all I need is this portion of the URL in my json: "v1/item/anotheritem/otheritem"

My code currently is like this:


for institution in data[0:1]:
    for auth in institution["auth"]:
        for api in auth["api"]:
                'Roles':[A["Role"] for A in institution["InstitutionRoles"]],
                'ApiEndpoints':[A["ApiEndpoint"] for A in api["ApiEndpoints"]]

I'm later converting this data extraction in a json and using for other purposes.

Now it would be very helpful if my URLs are smaller, hence my need to strip it.

I believe I could do it like this:

'ApiEndpoints':[A["ApiEndpoint"].rstrip('/v1') for A in api["ApiEndpoints"]]

But this has no practical results on the URLs.

I understand that for it to work I would have to use something like this:

Stripped = ApiEndpoint.rstrip('/v1') (...)

but since I'm new to python I'm not quite sure how to do it inside the list I'm appending.

Could you give me a help?


  • First you could use print() to see what you get with rstrip()

    rstrip('v1/') tries to remove every char v, 1, / at the right end of the string - and they can be in any order.

    'something/v1/'.rstrip('v1/') gives 'something'

    'something/1111/vvvv/'.rstrip('v1/') gives 'something'


    'something/v1/other'.rstrip('v1/') gives the same 'something/v1/other'

    Maybe you mean split instead strip.

    'something/v1/other'.split('v1/') gives list ['something/', 'other']

    and you can use [-1] ot get last element and add again 'v1/'

    'v1/' + 'something/v1/other'.split('v1/')[-1] gives 'v1/other'

    But maybe it could be more useful with / and second argument - how many split to do

    url = ""

    gives list

    ['https:', '', '', 'v1', 'item', 'anotheritem', 'otheritem']

    but url.split('/', 3) gives

    ['https:', '', '', 'v1/item/anotheritem/otheritem']

    And you can get [-1]

    url = ""
    url.split('/', 3)[-1]



    Or maybe you should use urllib.parser.urlsplit for this

    url = ""
    import urllib.parse


    SplitResult(scheme='https', netloc='', path='/v1/item/anotheritem/otheritem', query='', fragment='')

    and you can get .path


