I'm really new to python codes and having trouble with applying some of the answers for similar questions for my own case. Please help
So I have a dataframe with Column A and B, with numerous rows
Both contains negative and positive numbers, and I'm trying to make a new Column C with following conditions
If "Value of row 1, Column A is less than 0" & "Value of row 1, Column B is less than 0", return -100 in "row 1, Column C"
Elif "Value of row 1, Column A is less than 0" & "Value of row 1, Column B is greater than 0", return 100 in "row 1, Column C"
Elif "Value of row 1, Column A is greater than 0" & "Value of row 1, Column B is less than 0", return 100 in "row 1, Column C"
Else : return (Column A.Value / Column B.Value) in Column C
Thanks a lot
I think you are looking for np.select
condlist = [(df['A'] < 0) & (df['B'] < 0),
(df['A'] < 0) & (df['B'] > 0),
(df['A'] > 0) & (df['B'] < 0)]
choicelist = [-100, 100, 100]
default = df['A'] / df['B']
df['C'] = np.select(condlist, choicelist, default)
>>> df
0 -0.002639 -1.374507 -100.000000
1 -0.696428 9.923431 100.000000
2 1.410547 3.804043 0.370802
3 1.504908 2.701486 0.557067
4 1.867486 1.889067 0.988576
5 -0.451066 -11.529716 -100.000000
6 5.713800 -7.678271 100.000000
7 -4.318760 5.082725 100.000000
8 5.169819 -4.122461 100.000000
9 0.094524 -1.916718 100.000000
Setup a MRE
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(0, 5, (10, 2)), columns=['A', 'B'])