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Finding sum of data frame column in rows that contain certain value in R

I'm working on a March Madness project. I have a data frame df.A with every team and season. For example:

Season   Team Name   Code
  2003   Creighton   2003-1166
  2003   Notre Dame  2003-1323
  2003   Arizona     2003-1112

And another data frame df.B with game results of of every game every season:

WTeamScore  LTeamScore  WTeamCode  LTeamCode
15          10          2003-1166  2003-1323
20          15          2003-1323  2003-1112
10          5           2003-1112  2003-1166

I'm trying to get a column in df.A that totals the number of points in both wins and losses. Basically:

Season   Team Name   Code        Points
  2003   Creighton   2003-1166   20
  2003   Notre Dame  2003-1323   30
  2003   Arizona     2003-1112   25

There are obviously thousands more rows in each data frame, but this is the general idea. What would be the best way of going about this?


  • Here is another option using tidyverse, where we can pivot df.B to long form, then get the sum for each team, then join back to df.A.

    df.B %>%
      pivot_longer(everything(),names_pattern = "(WTeam|LTeam)(.*)",
                   names_to = c("rep", ".value")) %>% 
      group_by(Code) %>% 
      summarise(Points = sum(Score)) %>% 
      left_join(df.A, ., by = "Code")


      Season  Team.Name      Code Points
    1   2003  Creighton 2003-1166     20
    2   2003 Notre Dame 2003-1323     30
    3   2003    Arizona 2003-1112     25


    df.A <- structure(list(Season = c(2003L, 2003L, 2003L), Team.Name = c("Creighton", 
    "Notre Dame", "Arizona"), Code = c("2003-1166", "2003-1323", 
    "2003-1112")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))
    df.B <- structure(list(WTeamScore = c(15L, 20L, 10L), LTeamScore = c(10L, 
    15L, 5L), WTeamCode = c("2003-1166", "2003-1323", "2003-1112"
    ), LTeamCode = c("2003-1323", "2003-1112", "2003-1166")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 