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How to send scheduled message using telebot python

In telegram client you can send a scheduled message and select a time at which it will be sent. Is there a way to do that using python Telebot library and not keep the script running and checking time manually?


  • You could use modules like apscheduler

    example usage:

    import telebot
    from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
    sched = BlockingScheduler()
    bot = telebot.TeleBot('token')
    def my_interval_job():
        bot.send_message("WARNERSTARK", "Goodmorning. its 6am!")
        ... # do more at 6 am
    sched.add_job(my_interval_job, trigger="cron", hour=6)

    The above example sends a message to user at 6 am.

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