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How to change hyper link text color in SwiftUI

I am trying to custom change the default font color of hyperlink in a given markdown string with SwiftUI. Something equivalent to txtString.linkTextAttributes = [ .foregroundColor: ] of UIKit. Here's my code:

import SwiftUI

struct TextViewAttributedString: View {
    var markdownString: String
    var body: some View {
    private func convertIntoAttributedString(markdownString: String) -> AttributedString {
        guard var attributedString = try? AttributedString(
            markdown: markdownString,
            options: AttributedString.MarkdownParsingOptions(allowsExtendedAttributes: true,
                                                             interpretedSyntax: .inlineOnlyPreservingWhitespace))
        else {
            return AttributedString(markdownString)
        attributedString.font = .custom("Times New Roman", size: 16, relativeTo: .body)
        let runs = attributedString.runs
        for run in runs {
            let range = run.range
            if let textStyle = run .inlinePresentationIntent {
                if textStyle.contains(.stronglyEmphasized) { // .stronglyEmphasized is available
                    // change foreground color of bold text
                    attributedString[range].foregroundColor = .green
                if textStyle.contains(.linkTextAttributes) { // compiler error since .linkTextAttributes not available
                    // change color here but .linkTextAttributes is not available in inlinePresentationIntent
                    // Any other way to change the hyperlink color?
        return attributedString

Example View where AttribtedString being used

import SwiftUI

struct AttributedStringView: View {
    let text: String = "**Bold** regular and _italic_ \nnewline\n[hyperlink]("
    var body: some View {
        TextViewAttributedString(markdownString: text)

struct AttributedStringView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

Result: Result Screen

Reference Docs:


  •         if != nil {
                // change foreground color of link
                attributedString[range].foregroundColor = .orange