I have a modal that initially has a size, but I want the modal to change size when I change a certain value in the form.
I have this in my component .ts file that launch the modal
const modalRef = this.modalService.open(ModalFormComponent, { size : 'xl', scrollable: true });
If in the modal an information changes the modal size needs to change to lg
The open method of NgbModal class returns and NgbModalRef. The _windowCmptRef.instance.size property of NgbModalRef defines the size property of the currently opened Bootstrap Modal (NgbModal).
Now the question is how to access the NgbModalRef from the popup component. One way could be to define the reference object inside a service. Like this
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
providedIn: 'root'
export class MyserviceService {
public modalRef: any; //modalRef will be stored in this variable
constructor() { }
Now open the NgbModal like this
this.myService.modalRef = this.ngbModalService.open(PopupComponent, { size : 'xl', scrollable: true });
In the PopupComponent, you can change the size of the modal like this
this.myService.modalRef._windowCmptRef.instance.size='sm'; //the size property would be changed to small size.