Basically, want to write two functions, then use a third generic function which purely selects which of the two original functions to call with the given arguments based on the input arguments given. eg
cdef fun1(int a):
#do something
cdef fun1(float a):
#do something
#roughly stealing syntax from fortran (this is the part I don't know how to do)
interface generic_function:
function fun1
function fun2
#Calling the functions
cdef int a = 2
cdef float b = 1.3
generic_function(a) #runs fun1
generic_function(b) #runs fun2
Obviously I could do this with if statements, but that doesn't appear efficient to me. Any and all help is appreciated, cheers.
This can be done with [fused types] (
ctypedef fused int_or_float:
cdef generic_function(int_or_float a):
if int_or_float is int:
The if statement is evaluated when Cython compiles the functions (you can verify this by looking at the generated c code) so is not a performance issue.