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Using cy.log to print out Cypress environment variables

Goal: How can I print Cypress environment variables?


cy.log(Cypress.env()); // Error: Argument of type 'ObjectLike' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.ts(2345)

I understand I can't print it because cy.log() takes in a string and Cypress.env() is of type ObjectLike, but I'm not sure what other approach I can take to print it.


  • It's a typescript error, so you can type the parameter

    cy.log(Cypress.env() as any)

    or use this form .log(message: string, ...args: any[])

    cy.log('env', Cypress.env())

    or Cypress.log() with options (options.message is type any)

    Cypress.log({ name: 'env', message: Cypress.env() })