I upgraded to the latest version 21.2.6. If I create a new project, the references show as 21.2 in the .csproj file However the assemblies all display with yellow triangles. The same is true if I open a sources project.
I can fix the issue by editing the .csproj and changing 21.2 to 21.2.6
However, is there a way to fix this without editing the .csproj?
The build error on a new project is
Warning NU1603 DXApplication47.Module depends on DevExpress.ExpressApp (>= 21.2.0) but DevExpress.ExpressApp 21.2.0 was not found. An approximate best match of DevExpress.ExpressApp 21.2.3 was resolved. DXApplication47.Module C:\Users\kirst\source\repos\DXApplication47\DXApplication47.Module\DXApplication47.Module.csproj 1
It turned out that I had some local package sources for Dev Express. I thought they would not be used because they were unchecked in the sources dialog ( VS2022->Tools->Optons->NuGet Package Manager->Package Sources ) When I deleted them the problem was resolved.