I am trying to compare the execution time of two algorithms. till now, I've appended the start and end execution time in a list as follows:-
myList = [['algorithm_1', start time, end time], ['algorithm_2', start time, end time]]
myList = [['algorithm_1', 1647030884.8106081, 1647030884.811373], ['algorithm_2', 647030884.8262258, 1647030890.0927901]]
The time measured in seconds
My question: could you please advise how to plot the difference between the start time and end time (algorithm execution time) of both algorithms in the same figure?
here is my code:
def get_algorithm_execution_time(algorithm_name):
time_list = timeit.repeat(stmt=algorithm_name,
number=1, globals=globals())
execution_time = min(time_list)
return execution_time
start_time = time.time()
execution_time = get_algorithm_execution_time('algorithm_1')
end_time = start_time + execution_time
algorithms_execution_time.append(['algorithm_1', start_time, end_time])
start_time = time.time()
best_time = get_algorithm_execution_time('algorithm_2')
end_time = start_time + execution_time
algorithms_execution_time.append(['algorithm_2', start_time, end_time])
start = []
end = []
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 6))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i in algorithms_execution_time:
plt.plot(start[0], end[0], "b")
plt.plot(start[1], end[1], "r")
Currently, the figure doesn't show anything.
Thank you.
You may use the next code snippet:
def graph_series(list_of_execution_time):
from matplotlib import pyplot
values = {}
for element in list_of_execution_time:
if element[0] not in values:
values[element[0]] = [(element[2] - element[1])]
values[element[0]].append(element[2] - element[1])
for key, value in values.items():
pyplot.plot(value, markersize=20,label=key)
It takes a list of lists, iterates, creates a list of values for each algorithm, and plots it by matplotlib here is manual.
Use pip to install it:
pip install matplotlib
You can check it by next code:
You have to send more than 2 points to each algorithm to see the graph.
myList = [['algorithm_1', 1, 2], ['algorithm_1', 1, 5],
['algorithm_2', 1, 3], ['algorithm_2', 1, 6], ]
Here is the result: