I would like to run my blob storage trigger over existing files continuously for testing purposes, but after the trigger has run once over the files, I can't get it to run again on those existing files. This message is what I receive in the logs:
Blob '[some file]' will be skipped for function 'BlobTrigger1' because this blob with ETag '"
[tag]"' has already been processed. PollId: '[poll id]'. Source: 'ContainerScan'.
Is there a way I can reset that "ContainerScan" somehow so I can run the trigger again over the existing files?
For anyone else that may come across this...
Look inside your storage account. You should have a container in there called 'azure-webjobs-hosts' click on it, and then click on the folder called 'blobreceipts'. This folder is holding some data that is used to recognize whether or not your function has been run over specific blobs. Just delete the blobs found inside of this folder to be able to run your trigger again over the existing files.
Helpful tip: Use Storage Explorer (Desktop edition) to select all and delete blobs in that folder.
EDIT: So this seemed to work, however, I'm noticing that this can be inconsistent.