I have a custom SwiftLint action to flag up print()
included: ".*\\.swift"
name: "print usage"
regex: "((\\bprint)|(Swift\\.print))\\s*\\("
message: "Don't use print"
severity: error
It works but it also flags whenever I have a print()
statement specified in a documentation comment like this:
/// some comment mentioning print("hello") <- Error here
func myFunc() {}
How can I alter the regex so it ignores the print
statement whenever it's in a documentation comment?
It seems that a custom rule can specify what type of code will match. The property is called match_kinds
, example from Swiftlint Readme:
match_kinds: # SyntaxKinds to match. optional.
- comment
- identifier
Specifying identifier
should be enough for your use case.