I want to make a call to the parent function from its overidden function, i isolated my problem in the following code:
class SomeClass{
write-host 'hooked'
return $BaseClass.GetType() # how do i call the BaseClass GetType function??
i am expecting an output like this:
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True SomeClass System.Object
In oder to call a method on the base class, cast $this
to it (([object] $this).GetType()
, in your case, given that your class
implicitly derives from [object]
class SomeClass {
Write-Verbose -Verbose hooked!
# Casting to [object] calls the original .GetType() method.
return ([object] $this).GetType()
As an aside re referring to the base class in PowerShell custom classes:
PowerShell only allows you to reference the base class via the abstract base
identifier in base-class constructor calls:
class Foo { [int] $Num; Foo([int] $Num) { $this.Num = $Num } }
class FooSub : Foo { FooSub() : base(42) { } } # Note the `: base(...)` part
[FooSub]::new().Num # -> 42
In methods, the only (non-reflection-based) way to refer to the base class is via a type literal (cast), which in essence requires you to hard-code the base-class name (as also shown with ([object] $this)
class Foo { [string] Method() { return 'hi' } }
# Note the need to name the base class explicitly, as [Foo].
class FooSub : Foo { [string] Method() { return ([Foo] $this).Method() + '!' } }
[FooSub]::new().Method() # -> 'hi!'
Caveat: There appears to be a bug in Windows PowerShell (no longer present in PowerShell (Core) 7+), where calling a base class' method fails if the base class is a generic type that is constructed with type argument [pscustomobject]
aka [psobject]
. Use a reflection-based workaround in that case; e.g.:
class Foo : System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[pscustomobject] {
[void] Add([pscustomobject] $item) {
Write-Verbose -Verbose hooked!
# Use reflection to call the base class' .Add() method.
# Note: In *PowerShell Core*, this workaround isn't necessary, and the usual would work:
# ([System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[pscustomobject]] $this).Add($item)
# Note the use of .GetMethod() and .Invoke()
[System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[pscustomobject]].GetMethod('Add').Invoke($this, [object[]] $item)