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Spyder cannot find module named 'pandas_datareader'

First off I would like to say that I am aware that this question has been asked before, however, none of the other posts have offered a solution that resolves the problem.

I am trying to use pandas-datareader to grab stock prices from the internet. I am using windows with python version 3.6. I first installed pandas-datareader from the console using

pip install pandas-datareader.

I then wrote a code which used the line

import as web

It came back with the error

`ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas_datareader'

I tried to redownload pandas-datareader, just in case it didn't work the first time, but the console came back with "Requirement already satisfied" so that wasn't the problem. From there I uninstalled pandas-datareader, and reinstalled it with

pip3 install pandas-datareader

I still got the same error message. I was worried that it might have something to do with old versions of python installed on my computer so I deleted all files for python 2.7, but this did not help the issue. I restarted spyder and my computer and this did not help. I tried Jupiter notebook and this did not help either.

Now to take my investigation one step further, I looked in my file folders at the hidden files to see where pandas-datareader could be hiding. When I go to C:\Users\J.Shepard\Anaconda3\pkgs and C:\Users\J.Shepard\Anaconda3\pkgs I see that pandas-0.23.0-py36h830ac7b_0 is installed but I cannot find anything that looks like pandas-datareader. In fact, when I search for "pandas-datareader" in my file search, I only see 2 text files with one line of code each. I do not know what to make of this discovery but I thought it might be helpful to someone else.

I hope that I have made a good case to prove that I have genuinely tried and failed to solve this problem on my own. Based on the number of other unresolved posts related to this same question, I believe that this is a question that deserves to be asked again.


  • I tried conda install pandas-datareader in Anaconda Prompt. It was installed and after my computer restarted, pandas-datareader worked in spyder 3.6.