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Null aware assignment of map entry

Is there an elegant way to write the following statement for a map?

  String? img = json['image'];
  if (img != null) {
    json['image'] = '' + img;

Basically I want to append the image IFF it exists and ignore if it does not. This has the opposite effect of ??= where the assignment occurs only if the image is found to be null. Which is similar to putIfAbsent.

The best I can come up with is this:

String? img = json['image'];
json['image'] = img != null ? '' + img : null;

I just feel like this is the wrong way of writing for null safety as the word null appears twice in a line.


  • You could also use the update method of Map. It will throw an error if the key 'image' does not exist. With the update method, you can also easily provide a default if the key image does not exist.

    const baseImgUrl = '';
    const defaultImgFilename = 'default.png';
    Map<String, dynamic> updateImage(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
      try {
        return json
            (filename) => '$baseImgUrl$filename',
      } catch (_) { // key not in map
        return json;
    Map<String, dynamic> updateImageWithDefault(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        return json
            (filename) => '$baseImgUrl$filename',
            ifAbsent: () => '$baseImgUrl$defaultImgFilename',
    void main() {
      Map<String, dynamic> jsonWithoutImage = {'data': 123};
      print('JSON without image: $jsonWithoutImage');
      // JSON without image: {data: 123}
      print('JSON with default image: $jsonWithoutImage');
      // JSON with default image: {data: 123, image:}
      Map<String, dynamic> jsonWithImage = {'data': 123, 'image': 'apple.png'};
      print('JSON with image: $jsonWithImage');
      // JSON with image: {data: 123, image:}