I'm just wondering how I can redirect to StudProfile
after using the UpStudProf
function. After running UpStudProf
function, the URL became http://localhost/csms/public/index.php/Home/StudProfile
, but it should be http://localhost/Home/StudProfile
and is it possible to remove the Controllers name Home
on the URL?
public function StudProfile(){
$crudModel = new Mod_Stud();
$data = [];
$data['user_data'] = $crudModel->orderBy('s_id', 'ASC')->findAll();
$data['title'] = 'SMS | STUDENT PROFILE';
$data['heading'] = 'Welcome to SMS';
$data['main_content'] = 'stud-prof'; // page name
return view('innerpages/template', $data);
public function UpStudProf(){
$crudModel = new Mod_Stud();
$s_id = $this->request->getPost('s_id');
$data = array(
's_lrn' => $this->request->getPost('s_lrn'),
's_fname' => $this->request->getPost('s_fname'),
's_mname' => $this->request->getPost('s_mname'),
's_lname' => $this->request->getPost('s_lname'),
$crudModel->upStud($data, $s_id);
return redirect()->to('Home/StudProfile'); //return to StudProfile
... is it possible to remove the Controllers name
on the URL?
When no defined route is found that matches the URI, the system will attempt to match that URI against the controllers and methods as described above. You can disable this automatic matching, and restrict routes to only those defined by you, by setting the
option tofalse
Secondly, after disabling automatic matching, declare your user-defined route: app/Config/Routes.php
$routes->get('student-profiles', 'Home::StudProfile');
Lastly: \App\Controllers\Home::UpStudProf,
Parameters: $route (string) – The reverse-routed or named route to redirect the user to.
Instead of:
// ...
return redirect()->to('Home/StudProfile'); //return to StudProfile ❌
// ...
Use this:
// ...
return redirect()->to('/student-profiles'); ✅
// ...