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Why does ECS CloudFormation template create an EC2 Spot Fleet

I created a cluster in ECS with basic settings, nothing specific about the configuration except that I am using 1 On Demand t2.micro EC2 instance for the cluster.

I wanted to see what exactly was created and took a look at the CloudFormation template the cluster created.

I noticed in the template it has a configuration for EcsSpotFleet

    Condition: CreateWithSpot
    Type: AWS::EC2::SpotFleet
        AllocationStrategy: !Ref SpotAllocationStrategy
        IamFleetRole: !Ref IamSpotFleetRoleArn
        TargetCapacity: !Ref AsgMaxSize
        SpotPrice: !If [ CreateWithSpotPrice, !Ref SpotPrice, !Ref 'AWS::NoValue' ]
        TerminateInstancesWithExpiration: true

I am wondering why is this created? Because I know the Cluster instances are created with ASG + LC. My only explanation is this fleet is used for running the CloudFormation stack. I cannot find an explanation to this in the documentation, not even sure if instances are needed for CloudFormation stack run.

p.s. I am very new to AWS, also have very little knowledge on CloudFormation.


  • Not all code in CloudFormation will be executed. It still depends on the "Condition" flag.

    AWS usually create a template that covers most of the user cases and enables/disable parts of the template using the "Condition"

    You can read more about Condition in AWS documentation here: