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TYPO3 Fluid: How to pass several domain objects to the action controller

I want to have a big Fluid form where multiple records can be modified at once. There is only one form on the page to submit all records.

<f:if condition="{records}">
    <f:form action="update" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="updateRecords" object="{records}">
    <div class="row">
        <f:for each="{records}" as="element" iteration="recordsIterator">
            <div class="col-md-3">
                <f:if condition="{feature}">
                            <f:translate key="records.feature" />
                        <f:form.checkbox property="feature" value="2" />
                        <label for="tx_example_records[updateRecords][{recordsIterator.index}][feature]">
                            <f:translate key="" />
    <f:form.submit class="button" value="{f:translate(key: 'submit', default: '[submit]')}"><input class="button" type="submit" name="" value="Submit" /></f:form.submit>

The corresponding controller has only a domain object as parameter.

 * action update
 * @param \Foo\Example\Domain\Model\Records $updateRecords
 * @return void
public function updateAction(\Foo\Example\Domain\Model\Records $updateRecords) : void

However I need a solution with an array of all listed Domain\Model\Records passed as a parameter from the submitted form to the updateAction. The attribute feature is a checkbox to be checked if the record's value of feature = '2'; . Is this somehow possible in TYPO3? Or must I use some tricks to accomplish this task?


  • You can go with a Data Transfer Object here, holding the values you need to submit the form. You can find some general information related to Extbase here: