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How to call in RTK query with an argument to retrieve cached data (within another selector)?

I have an endpoint which accepts a parameter and I'm trying to access the cached data using in a redux slice. The problem is i cant figure out how to pass in the cache key. I've done the following:

export const selectProductsResult = (storeId) =>;

This works fine if I use it within a component like this:

const currentStoreProducts = useSelector(selectProductResult(currentStoreId))

What I don't understand is how I can use this in another selector, for example this does not work:

 const selectCurrentProducts = createSelector((selectCurrentStoreId), currentStoreId 
     => selectProductResult(currentStoreId)

If I try to use this in a component like so:

const currentProducts = useSelector(selectCurrentProducts)

The value obtained is a memoized function. I've played around quite a bit and can't seem to build the desired selector.


  • The call to generates a new selector function that is specialized to look up the data for that cache key. Loosely put, imagine it looks like this:

    const createEndpointSelector = (cacheKey) => {
      return selectorForCacheKey = () => {
        return state.api.queries['someEndpointName'][cacheKey];
    const selectDataForPikachu = createEndpointSelector('pikachu');

    So, you need to call with the actual cache key itself, and it returns a new selector that knows how to retrieve the data for that cache key:

    const selectDataForPikachu ='pikachu');
    // later, in a component
    const pikachuData = useSelector(selectDataForPikachu);