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kableExtra: Adjust length of column label for dynamic column lengths

Using R Markdown, I'm creating PDF file which includes a summary table with a dynamically changing/unknown number of monthly columns. I'd like the "Month Actuals" label to adjust dynamically to appear above all month columns present at the time the report is run.

I created a month_count object:

month_count <-
  data %>% 
  summarize(month_count = n_distinct(year_month)) %>% 

and used in the add_header_above function:

summary %>%
      booktabs = TRUE) %>%
  kable_styling(position = "left",
                latex_options = c("HOLD_position",
                                  "striped")) %>% 
  column_spec(column = 1, width = "2in") %>% 
  column_spec(column = 2:99, width = ".75in") %>% 
  add_header_above(c(" ", "Year-to-Date" = 4, "Month-to-Date" = 3, "Monthly Actuals" = month_code))

This works, however, the label on the output reads "Monthly Actuals.month_count." Any thoughts on how either to 1) improve this label or 2) set dynamically adjusting header labels?

Below is are the data in play if that is useful information for troubleshooting labeling:


` Area    `Yearly Target` `YTD Total` `Percent of Yearly T~` Balance `Monthly Target` `Current Month~` `Percent of Mo~` `2021 07` `2021 08`
   <chr>             <dbl>       <dbl>                  <dbl>   <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
Area 1              416           0                    0      -416               35                0              0           0         0
Area 2              520          69                   13.3    -451               44                9             20.4        12        11
Area 3              624           0                    0      -624               52                0              0           0         0
 Area 4               50          45                   90        -5                5                7            140           5         3
Area 5                0        6713                    0         0                0              959              0           0      1097
Area 6                0         240                    0         0                0               30              0          21        42
Area 7              125           6                    4.8    -119               11                2             18.2         1         2
Area 8              120          18                   15      -102               10                5             50           0         0
Area 9             3900        1127                   28.9   -2773              325              141             43.4        71        96
Area 10              54           0                    0       -54                5                0              0           0         0
Area 11               0         118                    0         0                0               15              0          50        35


  • Your month_count is a named integer, and that name ends up in the header.

    > str(month_count)
     Named int 8
     - attr(*, "names")= chr "month_count"

    Two examples on how to resolve this

    • remove the name attribute, names(month_count) <- NULL and keep everything else as is
    • don't use the month_count at all and rely on ncol(summary) instead: add_header_above(c(" ", "Year-to-Date" = 4, "Month-to-Date" = 3, "Monthly Actuals" = ncol(summary)-8))

    With either of these,the additional text in the header is removed:

    before ...... after