How can I move all cards with characters 'A 'K 'Q 'J to the front of my hand and all the numbers 1-10 to the end in Racket?
Ex: ((4 . ♠) (9 . ♣) (10 . ♠) (Q . ♦) (A . ♠))
((A . ♠) (Q . ♦) (10 . ♠) (9 . ♣) (4 . ♠))
My struggle here is dealing with the mixture of numbers and char. I can sort the numbers with the sort function but I get errors as soon as a char appears.
Basically sort
has an optional less-than?
function you can provide where you check if first argument is less than second. eg. Imagine I want to sort cards by their value 1-10 and that J,Q,K,A are 11-14:
;; produce a numeric value for all cards
(define (card->value c)
(let ((v (car c)))
(case v
((J) 11)
((Q) 12)
((K) 13)
((A) 14)
(else v))))
(define cards '((4 . ♠) (9 . ♣) (10 . ♠) (Q . ♦) (A . ♠)))
(map card->value cards) ; ==> (4 9 10 12 14)
(define (card-less? c1 c2)
(< (card->value c1) (card->value c2)))
(sort '((4 . ♠) (9 . ♣) (10 . ♠) (Q . ♦) (A . ♠)) card-less?)
; ==> ((4 . ♠) (9 . ♣) (10 . ♠) (Q . ♦) (A . ♠))
Since you are after the opposite order you should pass a card-greater?
instead that does the opposite of card-less?
and sort
will reverse the order.
If you are using #lang racket
you can make use of the two extra optional values and make it without card-less?
(sort cards < #:key card->value #:cache-keys? #t)
; ==> ((4 . ♠) (9 . ♣) (10 . ♠) (Q . ♦) (A . ♠))