I'm trying to plot hs-diagram from csv files.
To plot lines I use
plot 'it175.csv' using 7:6 with lines lc rgb 'green' title '175K' at begin, \
'ib50.csv' using 7:6 with lines lc rgb 'red' title '50MPa' at end
It gives nice isotherm titles,
but worse isobaric
How can I rotate line titles and set offset to the end of the line using 'title "title" at end' without using labels, because there are over 430 lines, and it is very difficult to adjust label coordinates for each line by hand
Let me summarize: you want to print the key/legend/title at the end of the curve rotated by a suitable angle.
If you check help plot title
and although it is linked to help key
for further parameters, I couldn't find any statement about rotated keys (gnuplot 5.4.1).
So, it looks like you have to rotate them yourself, at least, with some effort you can do it automatically.
with labels
which has variable rotation (check help labels
)What the following script does:
which you only get after plotting.I hope you can follow the script below and adapt it to your data. If you need more explanations, let me know. Maybe there is a simpler solution which I am currently not aware of.
### rotate title at end of curve
reset session
# create some test data files
do for [t=0:5] {
set print sprintf("it%d.dat",t*5+370)
do for [x=0:100:5] {
print sprintf("%g %g",x,(t/3.+0.2)*x**2+t*2000)
set print
do for [t=0:6] {
set print sprintf("ib%d.dat",t*5+20)
do for [x=0:100:5] {
print sprintf("%g %g",x*(t+1)/10.,x**3/35.)
set print
# get a file list
GetFileList(path,expr) = GPVAL_SYSNAME[1:7] eq "Windows" ? \
sprintf('dir /b "%s%s"', path, expr) : \
sprintf('ls "%s%s"', path, expr) # Linux/MacOS
FILES_it = system(GetFileList('','it*.dat'))
FILES_ib = system(GetFileList('','ib*.dat'))
set key noautotitle
set offset 0, graph 0.05, graph 0.05, 0
# plot to get the GPVAL_ ... values
plot for [FILE in FILES_it] FILE u 1:2 w l lc "red", \
for [FILE in FILES_ib] FILE u 1:2 w l lc "green"
# store GPVAL parameters after plot in variables
xmin = GPVAL_X_MIN; xmax = GPVAL_X_MAX; ymin = GPVAL_Y_MIN; ymax = GPVAL_Y_MAX
# x,y to pix and pix to x,y coordinate conversion
XtoPix(x) = txmin + real(x-xmin) *(txmax-txmin)/( xmax- xmin)
YtoPix(y) = tymin + real(y-ymin) *(tymax-tymin)/( ymax- ymin)
# angle from -180° to +180°
set angle degrees
Angle(x0,y0,x1,y1) = (_dx=x1-x0, _dy=y1-y0, _L=sqrt(_dx**2 + _dy**2), _L==0 ? NaN : \
(_dy>=0 ? acos(_dx/_L) : -acos(_dx/_L) ))
# angle for screen coordinates
AngleScr(x0,y0,x1,y1) = Angle(XtoPix(x0),YtoPix(y0),XtoPix(x1),YtoPix(y1))
myLabel(fname,unit) = sprintf(" %s %s",fname[3:strstrt(fname,'.')-1],unit) # extract number from filename
plot for [FILE in FILES_it] FILE u (last=$0,$1):2 w l lc "red", \
for [FILE in FILES_it] x1=y1=NaN FILE u (x0=x1,x1=$1,$0==1?x1:NaN):(y0=y1,y1=$2,$0==1?y1:NaN):\
(myLabel(FILE,"K")):(AngleScr(x0,y0,x1,y1)) every ::last-1::last w labels rotate var left font ",11", \
for [FILE in FILES_ib] FILE u (last=$0,$1):2 w l lc "green", \
for [FILE in FILES_ib] x1=y1=NaN FILE u (x0=x1,x1=$1,$0==1?x1:NaN):(y0=y1,y1=$2,$0==1?y1:NaN):\
(myLabel(FILE,"MPa")):(AngleScr(x0,y0,x1,y1)) every ::last-1::last w labels rotate var left font ",11"
### end of script