I'm using twill for laravel
I need to have a translatable repeater like this
So i created the repeater model
php artisan twill:make:module TechnologyBenefits -P
If I do not enabled translation module and disable from form the translate key all works.
I don't understand how to make this work with the translations.
If I try to update my model (if there is a row repeater in db) with translation enabled this is what i see in db
But the editor still empty
Instead if I try to update my model without a row this error appear
exception: "TypeError"
file: "/srv/www/mysite/current/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Grammar.php"
line: 136
message: "Illuminate\\Database\\Grammar::parameterize(): Argument #1 ($values) must be of type array, int given, called in /srv/www/mysite/current/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Query/Grammars/Grammar.php on line 920"
So i'm also trying to use jsonRepeaters
I save add in my model a column named "field_repeaters"
public function afterSave($object, $fields)
$tech_repeaters = [];
$tech_repeaters['benefits'] = [
'title' => collect($fields['repeaters']['info_benefits_repeater'] ?? [])->pluck('title'),
'description' => collect($fields['repeaters']['info_benefits_repeater'] ?? [])->pluck('desc'),
$tech_repeaters['materials'] = [
'name' => collect($fields['repeaters']['info_materials_repeater'] ?? [])->pluck('name'),
'description' => collect($fields['repeaters']['info_materials_repeater'] ?? [])->pluck('description'),
'media' => collect($fields['repeaters']['info_materials_repeater'] ?? [])->pluck('media'),
'ideal_for' => collect($fields['repeaters']['info_materials_repeater'] ?? [])->pluck('ideal_for'),
$tech_repeaters['videos'] = [
'embed' => collect($fields['repeaters']['info_materials_repeater'] ?? [])->pluck('embed'),
$object->field_repeaters = json_encode($tech_repeaters, true);
parent::afterSave($object, $fields);
This save in field_repeater an array with all the repeaters and translations
{'benefit': {'title': {'en' => 'english title', ru => 'ru title'}, 'desc': {'en': 'desc', 'ru': 'desc_ru'}}, ... }
Now I need to populate field with getFormFields
public function getFormFields($object)
$fields = parent::getFormFields($object);
$repeaters = json_decode($fields['field_repeaters'], true);
foreach($repeaters as $repeaterName =>$serializedData){
// $fields = $this->getJsonRepeater($fields, $repeaterName, $serializedData);
$repeatersFields = [];
$repeatersBrowsers = [];
$repeatersList = app(BlockCollection::class)->getRepeaterList()->keyBy('name');
foreach ($serializedData as $index => $repeaterItem) {
$id = $repeaterItem['id'] ?? $index;
$repeaters[] = [
'id' => $id,
'type' => $repeatersList[$repeaterName]['component'],
'title' => $repeatersList[$repeaterName]['title'],
'titleField' => $repeatersList[$repeaterName]['titleField'],
'hideTitlePrefix' => $repeatersList[$repeaterName]['hideTitlePrefix'],
if (isset($repeaterItem['browsers'])) {
foreach ($repeaterItem['browsers'] as $key => $values) {
$repeatersBrowsers["blocks[$id][$key]"] = $values;
$itemFields = Arr::except($repeaterItem, ['id', 'repeaters', 'files', 'medias', 'browsers', 'blocks']);
foreach ($itemFields as $index => $value) {
$repeatersFields[] = [
'name' => "blocks[$id][$index]",
'value' => $value,
$fields['repeaters'][$repeaterName] = $repeaters;
$fields['repeaterFields'][$repeaterName] = $repeatersFields;
$fields['repeaterBrowsers'][$repeaterName] = $repeatersBrowsers;
I don't understand how to create the translated field correctly, through the internet I can't find anything that can explain to me how to have translatable repeaters
Seems like jsonRepeaters is the way to go and apparently this dude achieved it. I use jsonRepeaters feature myself and I also had to set the following on my model's repository (note about it in the docs).
protected $jsonRepeaters = ['my_json_field'];