I've created a dataloader for my object detection task.
However, I cannot place the image/path name to a tensor. Instead I have it indexed, where in the last portion of the dataloader class, I have this:
target = {}
target['boxes'] = boxes
target['labels'] = labels
target['image_id'] = torch.tensor([index])
target['area'] = area
target['iscrowd'] = iscrowd
target['image_name'] = torch.tensor(index)
return image, target
where atm image_id
and image_name
are the same thing.
When I print out the image_name
from the dataloader, I of course get this:
for image, target in valid_data_loader:
I'm aware that strings can't be saved into torch tensors, so is there any way I can refer back to the original image name rather than the index of the tensor? Or would I just have to use the number that comes out and refer back to the dataset class (not dataloader)?
I ultimately want to save the image name, and attributes such as bounding box info to a separate numpy dataframe.
Ok, so this is a bit ad-hoc and not exactly what I was thinking but here is one method I have used to retrieve the paths/image names. I basically find the id from the dataloader by removing it from the tensor. I then use the tensor_id
to find the corresponding id in the original dataframe:
for image, target in valid_data_loader:
tensor_id = target[0]['image_name'].item()
I don't know if this is efficient though but it got what I wanted...