I'm using pydev eclipse. I encountered an import error and I followed instructions on the internet and did this "RClick --> PyDev --> Remove PyDev Project Config
". And now the red error markers are all gone. I'm panicking right now, I don't understand anything, now I can't get the error markers back.
Please, anyone, tell me how to get the red markers error back? Is there any way to "Add Pydev Project Config" back? I try to restart, update,.... but none of them work
Removing PyDev Project Config
means that you just said to the project that you don't want PyDev to analyze anything.
You can right-click it again and choose PyDev > Set as PyDev project
and configure your source folders (i.e.: the folders that should be in the PYTHONPATH) as explained in: https://www.pydev.org/manual_101_project_conf2.html to get your error markers back (as PyDev will only analyze files under a source folder).