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Vaadin @CssImport not working in jar dependency

I can't seem to get the @CssImport annotation working when the component class is in a separate jar. (Main web project is Vaadin 18)

I checked out the addon starter:

And adjusted the TheAddon class to add a css class name:

public class TheAddon extends Div {

    public TheAddon() {

I then added the theaddon.css file to:


With the styles:

.theaddon {

However when I use the addon, I do not see the style applied. I do see the style if I extend the TheAddon class within my web project. So this leads me to believe there's some classpath magic that isn't happening correctly.


  • Argh - the issue was that the vaadin.whitelisted-packages property was set. Thus Vaadin was not scanning / finding the components when building the front-end. Correcting this property fixed it.