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How do I put a left join between two tables in Linq-to-SQL using the keys?

I wrote query in Linq to SQL. I need to put left join between db.secs and db.subs i.e. with db.subs being left table and the db.secs being right.

I wrote this but cannot figure out how to do that?

var qry = (from sr in db.secs
           join s in db.subs
           on sr.Id equals s.secId
           join ss in db.subsSt
           on s.Id equals ss.subId
           join u in db.usersNew
           on s.uid equals u.Id
           where ss.isNew 
           group s by new { s.uid, u.UName, sr.Id, sr.Name } into totalGrp
           select new
               CreatorName = totalGrp.Key.UName,
               SecName = totalGrp.Key.Name,
               TotalRecs = totalGrp.Count()
           }).OrderBy(o => o.CreatorName)

How do I make it re-arrange like first table? In angular and HTML I am looping through collection and presenting in table.


  • You have to use DefaultIfEmpty() on the second table to generate the outer join or use navigation properties on the store. Something along the lines of

    var query = from sr in db.secs
                join s in db.subs into secSubs
                from srs in secSubs.DefaultIfEmpty()
                // rest of the query follows

    Alternatively with navigation properties you might be able to do something like

    var query = from sr in db.secs
                from s in sr.Subs
                select new {sr, s}

    A third option is to possibly use a quasi ANSI-82 syntax rather than ANSI-92 join syntax and make the first item above more pallatable:

    var query = from sr in db.secs
                from s in db.Subs.Where(s1 => s1.subId == sr.Id).DefaultIfEmpty()
                select new {sr, s}

    I wrote up a more detailed post on this a while back at