I wrote query in Linq to SQL. I need to put left join between db.secs
and db.subs
i.e. with db.subs
being left table and the db.secs
being right.
I wrote this but cannot figure out how to do that?
var qry = (from sr in db.secs
join s in db.subs
on sr.Id equals s.secId
join ss in db.subsSt
on s.Id equals ss.subId
join u in db.usersNew
on s.uid equals u.Id
where ss.isNew
group s by new { s.uid, u.UName, sr.Id, sr.Name } into totalGrp
select new
CreatorName = totalGrp.Key.UName,
SecName = totalGrp.Key.Name,
TotalRecs = totalGrp.Count()
}).OrderBy(o => o.CreatorName)
How do I make it re-arrange like first table? In angular and HTML I am looping through collection and presenting in table.
You have to use DefaultIfEmpty() on the second table to generate the outer join or use navigation properties on the store. Something along the lines of
var query = from sr in db.secs
join s in db.subs into secSubs
from srs in secSubs.DefaultIfEmpty()
// rest of the query follows
Alternatively with navigation properties you might be able to do something like
var query = from sr in db.secs
from s in sr.Subs
select new {sr, s}
A third option is to possibly use a quasi ANSI-82 syntax rather than ANSI-92 join syntax and make the first item above more pallatable:
var query = from sr in db.secs
from s in db.Subs.Where(s1 => s1.subId == sr.Id).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {sr, s}
I wrote up a more detailed post on this a while back at https://www.thinqlinq.com/Post.aspx/Title/Left-Outer-Joins-in-LINQ-with-Entity-Framework.